Conflict / Problem Resolution
You Can Help Your Child be Successful at School!
A successful school experience requires a three-way effort: the child, the teacher and the parent. We especially need you to assist in the following ways:
- Keep home information current. Please notify the school of any changes to phone numbers or addresses. It is important that the school has an up-to-date emergency contact.
- Send your child to school clean, well rested, well fed and in a positive frame of mind.
- See that your child gets to school on time and let us know of any planned absences. Please do not send your child to school if he or she is ill.
- Encourage a positive attitude about learning. Involve your child in a variety of reading, writing, and math activities.
- Take an active interest in your child’s work. Discuss their daily activities and check to ensure work is being completed. Planners, particularly in Intermediate, are an excellent tool.
- Attend parent-teacher conferences, student led conferences, open houses, and performances. At Aberdeen Elementary School we believe that parents are partners in education. If parents have questions or concerns about their child in the classroom setting, they are first asked to contact the classroom teacher to make an appointment to discuss concerns.
- Support your child’s classroom programs.
Bullying and Harassment Training Notice
In an effort to ensure a safe and inclusive environment for everyone, all School District #73 employees are completing Bullying and Harassment training. The staff at Aberdeen Elementary have reviewed bullying, cyberbullying, intimidation, harassment, and/or discrimination and how to report incidents of concern.
Bullying is defined as a pattern of repeated aggressive behaviour, with negative intent, directed from one person to another where there is a power imbalance. Cyberbullying is bullying that involves the use of a digital platform. Intimidation is the act of instilling fear in someone as a means of controlling another person. Harassment is any inappropriate conduct or comment by an individual toward another person that the individual knew or reasonably ought to have known would cause that person to be humiliated and/or degraded. Discrimination is when an individual, or a group of individuals, have been singled out and treated adversely or differently than others due to group characteristics such as race, colour, religious belief, sexual orientation or gender identity or expression.
We want to thank our school community for supporting us as we work together to create a bullying and harassment free environment for our students, families and employees.
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