ERASE Bullying Reporting
E.R.A.S.E. Bullying (Expect Respect and A Safe Education)
On November 26, 2013, teacher representatives and administrators from elementary schools in School District No. 73 attended the ERASE Bullying prevention program. The full day inservice, led by Theresa Campbell of Safer Schools Together, is part of a five-year training program for educators and community partners.
ERASE is a comprehensive prevention and intervention program that builds on effective progress already in place to ensure consistent policies and practices across all school districts backed by strong community partnerships. Four different types of bullying are outlined: Physical, Social Emotional, Verbal, and Cyber. In addition to providing resources for parents, students and educators, ERASE also provides an Online Reporting Tool for students or parents to report incidents of bullying. For more information on ERASE, visit the Erase Bullying Website.
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